

I went to Akihabara with friends.


A story about Akihabara 2022/05/01

Yeah! Everyone loves Akihabara. Actually the third time. This is the second off-party.

11:00 in the morning. Join everyone and start from Shinjuku station. From here, go toward Akihabara.

By the way It was raining but it didn't get so wet.

I went with 6 people in total. Yeah

(After that, I arrived at Akiba) Animate Akihabara.
It was one of the factors that it was gw, but it was very crowded.

Still, according to the google map, it seems to be a vacant person. scared.

The cashiers were very crowded and lined up.

And he had lunch in Saizeriya.

I ordered a 400 yen pizza and a set menu without rice and soup (50 yen(nice prides!)).
By the way, if you remove the rice and soup from the set, you will only have a drink bar.

This is the trick of Saizeriya. I was taught by a friend of mine. appreciated
Maybe I was in Saizeriya for 0.7 ~ 1.2 hours

It was delicious. yeah.

... I also did something that was empty. (I think that if you are a net friend, you can do it {I wanted to do it in Monster Energy if possible})

After that, taito Akihabara. Play a little and dissolve.

From here, I broke up into a homecoming group and a free action group. Of course free action.
It was raining and I didn't have an umbrella (oh no...)

Around 15:00, I went home after seeing a little figure at Akihabara X.

I wanted to stay until about 17:00 ... (But it takes 2 hours to get home ... Uh ...)

it was fun!

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